вторник, 27 января 2015 г.

Continents - interesting facts

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                                        Interesting facts                                                A song

Life used to be different

1.      My granny used to live in a small village.  Now she lives in the city.
2.      My grandparent used to watch black-and-white TV. Now they watch colour TV.
3.      My granny didn’t use to have a TV-set. Now she has a modern TV-set.
4.      My grandfather used to work as an engineer. Now he is a pensioner.
5.      People used to have a nice cold winter. Now winters are not cold and sometimes rainy.
6.      Nature used to be clean. Now the forests near the city are often dirty.
7.      My granny used to ride a bike. Now she walks in the park.
8.      My granny used to ski and skate a lot. Now she is not a young woman and she doesn’t ski and skate.

9.      My granny used to play hide-and-seek.  Now children mostly play computer games.

Used to - вопросы к д/з

1.      Did your granny use to live in the city / a small village?
2.      Describe the bathroom, kitchen, other rooms.
3.      What kind of TV did she/he use to watch?
4.      Where did she/he use to work?
5.      What games did she/he use to play?
6.      What clothes did she/he use to wear?
7.      Describe the school: subjects, school things, the canteen (столовая), school uniform, …. .
8.      What did they use to eat and drink?
9.      The shops.
10.  The money.
11.  Cars and public transport, planes, trains.

12.  Weather and nature.

четверг, 15 января 2015 г.

Continents and Countries - Plan


(My name is …. . I want to tell you about continents, countries, people and their nationalities.)

1. Our planet
2. 4 oceans and 6 continents (Показать на карте мира)
3. There are many countries on the Earth. Examples of countries on each continent. (Обязательно показать на карте мира).
4. The largest and smallest country.
5. People and nationalities. (Общая информация из текста)
6. 3 examples of people. (A famous person, his/her country, nationality, language).
7. English-speaking countries. (Что это такое? Назвать страны. Различия в языке. Примеры слов.)
