четверг, 9 ноября 2017 г.

Topic "Consumer Society"

Consumer Society


In today’s world of endless consumer choices, it’s very easy to spend money without thinking. Many people enjoy bargain-hunting, but our quest to pay less may hide dangers. It’s extremely important to know how to save our hard-earned cash and, at the same time, be aware of human rights. I’ll tell you some words about it.
1.      The tricks of the trade – 2b p.30
2.      How to be smart while shopping – 2h, p.39, абзац “Be smart”;      WB 2g, p.23
To avoid the tricks I’ve told you about, you have to be a smart shopper. …
3.      How to complain about a bad purchase – 2i, p.40
Unfortunately, even despite your being smart while shopping, sometimes you may buy a wrong thing. In this situation consumer rights can protect you. What you have to do is to complain politely and demand a refund, a replacement or just an apology. Your letter of complaint can go like that. …

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