четверг, 14 декабря 2017 г.

The ways to solve some world’s problems

The ways to solve some world’s problems

Nowadays people are willing to solve the world’s problems. Different charity funds are set up. Apart from that, some other ways are used to raise awareness of essential problems of society and nature. (повысить осведомленность о существенных проблемах)
1.      How to raise money to charity ? - p.54 ex.1.  Glastonbury Festival.- 3c, p.52
It is not easy to raise money for charity. For example, you can organise a musical festival like Glastonbury Festival in Somerset, England. While visiting the festival, people donate money to charity.
Short information about the festival.
What kind of charities does it support?

2.      The expedition to the Amazon Rainforest – 3e, p.54

The other way to draw people’s attention to urgent problems of our planet is to make an expedition and start a blog campaign, like Ed Strafford’s walk through the  Amazon Rainforest. 

            3. Your example
4.      How to make a donation?
диалог по модели – 3d, p.53

What do you think about the need to solve the world’s problems?

Have you/your family ever donated money/things to charity?

понедельник, 11 декабря 2017 г.

Интернет-олимпиада по английскому языку

Ссылка на страницу олимпиады 

Надо открыть "Олимпиада по английскому" → Зарегистрироваться, чтобы войти в личный кабинет  личный кабинет.  → Нажать меню "Олимпиады"  →  "Принять участие"

до 15 Декабря

Информация об олимпиаде

Уважаемые коллеги!
Мы рады сообщить вам о регистрации на Всероссийскую онлайн-олимпиаду по английскому языку для школьников, которую мы уже в третий раз проводим совместно c Cambridge University Press.

Вы участвовали в наших предыдущих Олимпиадах, поэтому мы предположили, что вам будет интересно присоединиться к нам и в этот раз. Напоминаем, что принять участие в Олимпиаде могут учащиеся 5 – 11 классов.

воскресенье, 3 декабря 2017 г.

Project "Social Problems" - Plan

Social Problems

Even a well-developed society has a number of social problems. I’ll tell you about some of them and about possible ways of their solution.
1.      Name the problems – 3b, p.50 ex.1
2.      Ageing population – 3a, p.48.
Will the number of elderly people in society grow?
How difficult is the life of a poor elderly person?
What can the other people of the society do to help elderly people?

3.      Homeless street children – 3b, p.50
How do children end up in the street?
What do they do?
How can society help them? (volunteer work, a makeshift school in Brazil)
            4. Describe a social problem on your choice.


What Are The World's Biggest Problems? - a VIDEO
(Для проекта можно брать только социальные проблемы. НЕЛЬЗЯ про экологию.)

четверг, 9 ноября 2017 г.

Topic "Consumer Society"

Consumer Society


In today’s world of endless consumer choices, it’s very easy to spend money without thinking. Many people enjoy bargain-hunting, but our quest to pay less may hide dangers. It’s extremely important to know how to save our hard-earned cash and, at the same time, be aware of human rights. I’ll tell you some words about it.
1.      The tricks of the trade – 2b p.30
2.      How to be smart while shopping – 2h, p.39, абзац “Be smart”;      WB 2g, p.23
To avoid the tricks I’ve told you about, you have to be a smart shopper. …
3.      How to complain about a bad purchase – 2i, p.40
Unfortunately, even despite your being smart while shopping, sometimes you may buy a wrong thing. In this situation consumer rights can protect you. What you have to do is to complain politely and demand a refund, a replacement or just an apology. Your letter of complaint can go like that. …

V - Ving, д/з №2

воскресенье, 8 октября 2017 г.

Products of the Future

Products of the Future

  • Nowadays our life conditions are developing tremendously fast. More and more inventions of science and technology are used in our everyday life. We can expect some new unusual inventions to be introduced to us in the nearest future. I’m going to tell you about some possible achievements in the field of clothing, equipment, home computing and farming.
1. A spray-on fabric – 2a, p.28
2. Printed equipment
3. A clever home
4. A skyscraper farm. How does it work? – 2f, p.36


четверг, 14 сентября 2017 г.

Natural Disasters.

1. Natural Disasters.


We live on the Earth and we adore the beauty of nature. However, sometimes Mather Nature can be really violent and cause disasters. The disasters of natural origin are called natural disasters or environmental disasters. They are … . Today I will tell you about some of them.

1. A volcano eruption – 1a, p.8
2. A Hurricane – 1c, p.12
3. An earthquake – 1f, p.16
4. A tsunami – 1h, p.19


План рассказа о каждом явлении
What is it? (What is its origin?)
What damage does it cause?
What is done to help people?

Natural Disasters Videos

среда, 12 апреля 2017 г.

Revision для подготовки к к/р

Project "Crime and Community"

Crime and Community
Everyone wants to live in a well-developed cultural society. Unfortunately, I can’t say that there is no crime in our life. In this speech I’ll tell you about different types of crimes and about people who fight against them.
1.        Types of crime. Short description of them. p.97 ex.1
2.        Crime fighters
There is a number of jobs related to fighting crime. For example, a shop detective is employed by a shop to catch shoplifters. … p.100 ex.1
3.        How does a forensic scientist work? – text p.100
I want to tell you about a person who works as a forensic scientist and helps to solve horrible crimes. His name is Ben Langdon.
What does he specialise in?
An example of his work during one case.
What equipment does he use?
Why does he like his job?

4. Would you like to have a job related to fighting crime? Why/ Why not? (What is interesting/not interesting to you?)


вторник, 21 марта 2017 г.

Project 2 "Learning Abroad"

Learning Abroad

1.    Is it a good idea to study abroad? - 5h p.91
Выучить сочинение
2.    An example of a person who studied abroad - 5b p.82-83
I want to tell you about a person who has already studied abroad. It’s my friend Steven who studied in Mexico. At first it was not easy for him to live in a foreign country, he even experiences some cultural shock. For example, … ПРИМЕР .
 Later Steven got used (привык) to life in Mexico, he became more self-confident, patient and outgoing, besides his Spanish improved greatly.

Conclusion (What do you feel about learning abroad?)

вторник, 14 марта 2017 г.

понедельник, 27 февраля 2017 г.

Different People, Different Habits

Project «Different People, Different Habits»

Different people have different style of behaviour which depends on personal characteristics and social etiquette [‘etiket] in different countries. First I’ll tell you about social norms of behaviour, and then about personal habits.

1.    Some examples of Social Etiquette in the UK - 5c p.84
Since every country has its own set of dos and don’ts, it’s worthwhile [стоящий] to know what it means to be polite while visiting a foreign country. If you have no idea about social norms of behaviour, you can experience a kind of culture shock while living abroad. I will tell you about some examples of social etiquette in the UK.  … ПРИМЕРЫ …

2.      Personal habits. How annoying! – 5a p.80, ex.1
Apart from social etiquette, each person has his or her own habits. Unfortunately, some of them may be annoying. The types of behavior which I dislike most of all are the following: It really annoys me when … . I can’t stand it when … . I also hate it when … .

3.      Complaining and apologising – 5d p.82, WB 5d p.46
It’s very important to know how to complain politely about somebody’s misbehaviour. For instance, if your neighbour plays loud music, you can talk to him like that:
ДИАЛОГ p.82 ex.2 (можно взять пример из рабочей тетради, или сочинить свой)

I’m sure, if you know social etiquette and have polite personal habits, your life will be easier. As for me, I always try to behave politely. (можно придумать свое заключение)

четверг, 16 февраля 2017 г.


Время на выполнение заданий - 45 мин.
Не надо регистрироваться заранее. Регистрируйтесь тогда, когда вы будете готовы проходить тест. Насколько я поняла, как только вы зарегистрируетесь, вам сразу же предложат задания. Пройти второй раз  нельзя.

Кембриджский конкурс по английскому языку для школьников 7-9 классов Москвы и Московской области, Санкт- Петербурга и Ленинградской области

Департамент экзаменов по английскому языку Кембриджского университета приглашает школьников 7-9 классов принять участие в онлайн конкурсе и выиграть SMART WATCH, Кембриджские экзамены и книги для подготовки!

Из чего состоит тест?
• Тест включает в себя 7 частей, которые проверяют знание лексики и грамматики и навыки чтения на английском языке.

Что нужно сделать?
• Зарегистрироваться
• Ответить быстро и правильно на все вопросы теста

• Сроки проведения конкурса – 15 февраля - 15 марта 2017 г..
• Регистрацию на сайте конкурса должен пройти ученик 7-9 классов и его учитель.
• Победители будут объявлены 22 марта 2017 г. на сайте www.cambridgeenglish.org.ru
• Электронные сертификаты об участии будут высланы после подведения итогов конкурса (после 22 марта).

Все правильные ответы + наименьшее время = SMART WATCH!

Департамент экзаменов по английскому языку Кембриджского университета (Cambridge English Language Assessment)

Положение о конкурсе    (Здесь более подробная информация)

понедельник, 13 февраля 2017 г.

both...and, neither...nor, either...or

Новые предложения

Rewrite the sentences using both...and, neither...nor, either...or.

1. Nick plays football very well. So does Mike.
2. My friend doesn’t like coffee. I don’t like it either.
3. If Frank doesn’t take his dog for a walk, then his mother will do it.
4. Laura was playing computer games from 8 till 9 yesterday. So was Robert.
5. Mike has never eaten frogs. His friends haven’t eaten them either.

   Rewrite the sentences using both...and, neither...nor, either...or.
 1. I have never seen a baby elephant. My best friend hasn't either.
    2. Sandra is a good singer. Kate is too.
    3. If Rob doesn't want to wash the dishes, then Nelly will do it.
    4. Dolly is doing her homework now, as is Polly.
    5. Tom doesn’t play the piano. Tim doesn't either.

вторник, 31 января 2017 г.

Personal Problems

Personal Problems


Usually teenagers are lively people, but, unfortunately, we can’t say that our life is bright all the time. Sometimes we may have problems or get into difficult situations. I’ll tell you about some of them and try to suggest some solutions.
1.    Examples of people who have problems. Your suggestion what to do. SBp.72, ex.1, 4

Sandra needs money. I think she could get a part-time job.
Fred’s parents are too strict and they are always arguing. Why doesn’t he talk it through (обсудить подробно) and make compromises.
2.    An example of your/your friend’s problem. How did you/tour friend cope with it? SB: p.72, ex.3 (берем из аудирования)

3.    Exam Stress – SB p.73 учим эссе
One of difficult situations which many teenagers may encounter is exam stress. I’ll try to tell you how it is possible to deal with it.


Текст аудирования с72 №3