How different people are!
People on the Earth have an endless variety of different types of appearance and character which can give us either pleasure or problems. I’ll tell you a little bit about some of them.
1. Appearance – p.107, ex.1
Appearance is mostly given to us by nature.
Показать фотографии 2-3 людей и описать их, демонстрируя владение разнообразной лексикой.
2. Character
On the other hand, traits of character are only partly given to us by nature and partly can be mastered (усовершенствовать) by a person on his or her own. Good traits of character are thought to be … . The examples of bad personal characteristics are … . Some of personal qualities may be just neutral like … . ( p.107, ex.2)
Some people can be annoying for the others. For example, ... (дать пример р.110-111)
Some people can be annoying for the others. For example, ... (дать пример р.110-111)
3. Problems connected with appearance – 6a, p.108
Problems of teenagers
Why do teenagers see themselves in an unflattering (нелестный) way?:
- puberty
- mass media
What to do?