вторник, 3 декабря 2013 г.

Questions about Holidays (November - January)

Answer the questions. 

Напишите полные ответы.

  1. When do they celebrate Thanksgiving?
  2. Do families come together for Thanksgiving?
  3. What is the traditional Thanksgiving food?
  4. When is Christmas?
  5. What is the symbol of Christmas?
  6. When is the Queen's speech on TV?
  7. Where is the biggest Christmas tree in London?
  8. When do they celebrate New Year?
  9. Do people have New Year parties all night long?
  10. What is the name of an interesting New Year tradition in Scotland?
  11. Who is the "first foot"?
  12. What does the First Foot bring to the family for the New Year?
  13. Who must be the First Foot?

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