среда, 2 марта 2016 г.

Подготовка к к/р

Irregular Verbs

Guess the words and write them #1
Guess the words and write them #2
Упражнения на слова – WB p.16 №9, p.24 ex.2, p.29 ex.1

Fill in the gaps with the right pronoun
Местоимения – WB p.14 №2; p.16 №10А

Comparison of  adjectives and adverbs (степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий)
Choose the right word (few - little)
Fill in the gaps

Grammar: Verbs
Passive or Active
Present Perfect Continuous - Present Perfect
Past Continuous - Past Simple. Ex.1  
Past Continuous - Past Simple. Ex.2  
Present Perfect Continuous – WB p.11 №9

The Participle
Participle I - Participle II

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