вторник, 12 апреля 2016 г.


Раскройте скобки и составьте предложение.

1.      Bob (play) football yesterday.
2.      Marta (like) flowers?
3.      Mike (work) on a computer now?
4.      Nick (see) a bear yesterday.
5.      I (eat) a cake tomorrow?
6.      Bill (watch) TV tonight?
7.      John (have got) a robot?
8.      Jack (go) to the theatre on Sundays.
9.      Ann (like) ice-cream.
10.           Mother (not let) monkeys jump on the bed.
11.           The witch (make) a cake with frogs a hundred years ago.
12.           Tim (be) at school yesterday?
13.           My kittens (be) in the box.
14.           Jane (can ski) very well?
15.           Dick (not travel) to Africa every month.

16.           The hippos (swim) in African rivers?  

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