воскресенье, 13 декабря 2015 г.

Подготовка к к/р

Неправильные глаголы  Irregular Verbs

Упражнения на проверку знания слов
shops, containers
sports 1
sports 2

Упражнение по теме "Существительные, которые имеют только форму единственного числа"
Вставьте "it is" или "they are"

Предложения с if (после if не употребляется будущее время)
Косвенная речь

Reported Speech 5

  1. Sue told Tom, "I am the best dancer in the world."
  2. Sue told her mother, "Buy me a new dress, please."
  3. Mother answered Sue, "The dress is too expensive and we can't buy it."
  4. Sue went to her father and said to him, "I have just seen a very nice dress at the shop."
  5. Father asked Sue, "How much is the dress?".
  6. Sue told father, "I want to have the dress very much, it is really very nice."
  7. Sue asked father, "How much money do you have with you?"
  8. Father answered, "I see that the dress costs very much."
  9. Father said, "Don't ask me to do silly things."
  10. Sue asked father,"Can you buy me an ice-cream, then?"
  11. Mother asked me, “Have you washed your hands?”
  12. Father asked me, “Will you go to the park with me tomorrow?”
  13. Teacher asked us, “Did you draw a picture yesterday?”
  14. Tim asked Tom, “What game are you playing now?”

пятница, 4 декабря 2015 г.

Topic "Shops and Shopping"

Shops and Shopping

Предлагаю примерное содержание темы. Этот текст можно переделывать и менять по своему усмотрению: главное,  чтобы использовать все новые слова + разнообразные грам. структуры.

Nowadays most people do their shopping at the supermarkets. However, some time ago there used to be few supermarkets, and customers used to buy their food in small shops. First I will tell you a story about the past, then – about my own shopping expedition.
Well, a story of a woman at the butcher’s shop. One day Mary took her shopping list and went to the butcher’s. She said: “Hello! Two pounds of sausages, please, and some best pork.” The butcher cut off some sausages and wrapped them first in white and then in brown paper. Then he said: “And I have a very nice piece of pork here. Have a look.”
“That looks very good. How much is it?”
“Well, four pounds. So, that comes to eight pounds with the sausages. Is that all right?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Anything else?” the butcher said hopefully.
“Not today. Thank you very much.”
The man tied up the parcel and gave it to Mary.
 [можно вставить еще, чтобы было слово “change”]

This is what shopping was like before. Now I will tell you what shopping is like in my family. My mother, father and I usually go to supermarket [NAME]. First, we visit greengrocer’s department where we usually choose a kilo of red apples, half a kilo of fresh tomatoes, a small container of green vegetables, etc. Then we walk to the dairy department and take a bottle of milk, a carton of sour cream, four or six cartons of yoghurt, a piece of cheese and … . After that we go to … . Finally, we visit … .
After we have chosen everything what we need, we pay for the food and go home.

          Now I'll tell you some words about buying clothes. If you want to buy something to wear,  you should go to a department store or to a shopping mall. Clothes are sold in the ready-made clothes department. I often go there with my parents. We ask the shop assistant, "How much does the T-shirt cost?". "It costs 300 roubles," the shop assistant can answer. "I think that it is not very expensive," my mother can say, "If it suits you, you can have it." As for me, it's great fun to buy new clothes.


четверг, 12 ноября 2015 г.

Talking about a sport

  1. The name of the sport.
  2. Is it an individual or a team sport? How many members are there in a team?
  3. What do the sportsmen do? What is the aim of the game? Who is the winner?
  4. Where do they do this sport?
  5. What equipment is needed? 
  6. How long have you been going in for this sport?
  7. Have you taken part in competitions?
  8. What are your results?

воскресенье, 8 ноября 2015 г.

Sports - Learn the words

Sports Videos

Sports Guessing Game                                              Sports Vocabulary

Sports Vocabulary                                            Sport equipment vocabulary

Olympic Sports

Some Extra (additional) Materials
How to talk about sports in English.                                     What sports do you play?

вторник, 20 октября 2015 г.

Some ideas for your topic

Health and Body Care

       1.   с. 71,  c47 №19 – здоровый образ жизни, что мы должны делать, чтобы быть в форме.
       2.    с. 59-60 – что делать, если ты заболел
лексика по теме болезни
осмотр врача, что он делает
как выполнять указания врача, принимать лекарства

       Nowadays people want to be strong and healthy. I think that healthy lifestyle is very important and I would like to tell you about some good rules to keep fit. After that I will tell you what to do if you have fallen ill.

       What food is good for your health? First of all, it is fruit and vegetables. They have a lot of vitamins [‘vaitэmins]. Vegetables are really delicious (tasty) if they are eaten as salads. Dairy products are also the right food. Milk, cheese, yoghurt, cottage cheese, cream and sour cream can help you grow and be in good shape. Meat is full of vitamins and other useful things , too.
       Some food is not healthy and you should try to eat it as little as possible. For example, fried food, fat food and sweet food. Eating a lot of sweets and chocolate is harmful for your teeth.
       Looking after yourself and doing physical exercises is also very important. Here are some good rules to remember: (p.47 ex.19)

       Unfortunately, people can fall ill. If you are in a foreign country, and you don’t feel well, it’s very important to explain about your illness in English. Here is what can be wrong. You can have a sore throat, … .

       Now I want to tell you what a doctor does when he or she comes to the patient. It will help you when you are abroad (за границей). …….

       To sum up, I want to tell some words about myself. ....... .

Health videos

Reported Speech - дополнительные задания для желающих

  1. Sam said to Chris, “I have stomachache.”
  2. Mother told her son, “Do your homework.”
  3. A policeman told a man, “Don’t drop litter.”
  4. Catty asked Mary, “Where did you go last night?”
  5. The doctor asked Bob, “Did you take this medicine yesterday?”
  6. My friend asked me, “Where will you go next spring?”
  7. Egor asked Sasha, “Will you play football with me tomorrow?”
  8. Teacher asked a pupil, “Why are you doing your homework now?”
  9. Bob told his father, “I am ill.”
  10. Jake said to the teacher, “I’ve done this exercise.”
  11. Mark asked Tom, “Do you often take part in concerts?”
  12. Sasha asked Egor, “Have you ever taken part in water polo competitions?”
  13. Teacher asked pupils, “Stand up, please.”
  14. Jack told Tom, “Open the window, please.”
  15. The teacher asked children, “How many rivers are there in Australia?”

понедельник, 19 октября 2015 г.

Reported Speech - Hometask

Exercise 2
Rewrite in Reported Speech

Bob: “Let’s go to the cinema tomorrow.”
Helen: “I have already watched this film.”
Bob: “When did you watch it?”
Helen: “We went to the cinema last Sunday with our family friends.”
Bob: “Do you often visit theatres?”
Helen: “I don’t visit theatres often.”  “I was at the theatre a month ago”
Bob: “My Friends and I will go to the theatre next Saturday.” “Will you join us?”

Helen: “Don’t ask me now.” “I can answer you in the evening today.”

Exercise 4
  1. A ghost said, "I visited my friend last week." 
  2. Finn said, "Don't forget to cook a huge delicious cake today." 
  3. Glados asked, "Have you seen the Eiffel Tower?" 
  4. Rosalind saw a nice phone at the shop and thought, "I will buy this phone now." 
  5. Penelope said to her little brother, "Don't touch my clothes and don't play in my room!" 
  6. Caroline said, "I will go to my friend tomorrow." 
  7. Robert asked Rosie, "Do you always wash the dishes?" 
  8. Tom asked, "Did Jack go to the comic shop last Friday?" 
  9. Andy wondered, "Why didn't we have a day off on the 23rd of February?" 

воскресенье, 18 октября 2015 г.

Подготовка к к/р

Задание 1 - Лексика
Прочитайте предложение и вставьте слово, подходящее по смыслу.
Health 1
Health 2
Health 3  Новое
The Queen and Parliament

Задание 2 - Словообразование
Подберите однокоренное слово, подходящее по смыслу
-ful/less, -ly, -al

Задание 3 - Косвенная речь
Перепишите предложения от третьего лица.
Упр 1: главное предложение в НАСТОЯЩЕМ времени
Упр 2 - вопросы: главное предложение в НАСТОЯШЕМ времени
Упр 3 - вопросы: главное предложение в ПРОШЕДШЕМ времени
Упр 4 - все типы предложений: главное предложение в ПРОШЕДШЕМ времени

Задание 4 - на все изученные грамматические структуры
Выбери правильный ответ
Упр 1
Упр 2
Упражнения на повторение отдельных грамматических структур
Passive Voice 1
Passive Voice 2
Present Perfect, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, Past Simple,
Past Simple - Present Perfect 1
Past Simple - Present Perfect 2

среда, 14 октября 2015 г.

Reported Speech - Hometask

Re-write the sentences in the reported speech.

1. Betty asked Sandra, “When will you go to the skating rink?”
2. Sandra told Betty, “Mark has invited me to go to the skating rink tomorrow.”
3. Betty asked Sandra, “Is Mark a nice boy?”
4. Sandra answered, “Yes, I like him very much.”
5. Sandra added, "I first met him at the dacha last summer."
6. Betty said to Sandra, “We often skate at the rink, too.”
7. Betty added, "Yesterday my friends and I enjoyed skating very much".
8. Betty offered, “Let’s go to the rink together.”
9. Sandra said, “Don’t speak loudly!”
10. Sandra added, “I don’t want everybody to listen to us.”
11. Sandra asked Betty, "Will you go to the rink next sunday?"
12.Betty answered, "OK. See you in 3 days."

Reported Speech - the rules

Правила построения предложений в косвенной речи

Побудительные предложения

(+)   He said + to + V  
(-)  He said + not + to + V

He said to close the door.
He said not to open the window

Повествовательные предложени

1.  Меняем местоимения.
2.  Используем правило согласования времен.
3.  Меняем обстоятельства времени и места.

Вопросительные предложения

1. Ставим союз:
                Yes/No-question - союз if,
                Wh-question - вопросительное слово становится союзом.
2. Меняем порядок слов.
                 Нужно сделать утвердительное предложение.
3. Используем правило согласования времен.
4. Меняем местоимения.
5. Меняем обстоятельства времени и места.

Правило согласования времен

 Direct Speech
Reported Speech
 Present Simple
Present Continuous
Past Simple
Present Perfect
Future Simple
Past Simple
Past Continuous
Had +V3 (Past Perfect)
Had +V3 (Past Perfect)
would + V

Замена обстоятельств времени и места

here - there
this - that
these - those

now - then / at that moment
today - that day
 tomorrow - the next day (the following day)
 next week - the next week (the following week)
 in 2 hours - 2 hours later
 yesterday - the day before (the previous day)
 last year - the year before (the previous year)
 3 days ago - 3 days before

среда, 7 октября 2015 г.


Вторая Всероссийская Интернет-Олимпиада по английскому языку

Участие бесплатное

После прохождения интернет-теста выдается сертификат об участии
  1. Первый этап - с 28 сентября по 15 ноября 2015 г. (Участники, набравшие максимальное количество баллов, проходят в полуфинал.)
  2. Полуфинал - с 19 ноября по 29 ноября 2015 г. (По итогам полуфинала в каждой возрастной группе будут отобраны 10 человек для участия в финале Олимпиады.)
  3. Финал - с 10 декабря по 16 декабря 2015 г.
 Нажмите, чтобы перейти на сайт олимпиады

Если у вас появятся вопросы, вы всегда можете обратиться за консультацией к координаторам Олимпиады:
Телефон: +7 (495) 796-59-54
Skype: express.company
E-mail: info@english-olympiad.ru

понедельник, 28 сентября 2015 г.

четверг, 24 сентября 2015 г.

Reported Speech - Hometask

1.      Kate: “I think the queen is very important.”
2.      Tim: “I am playing a game now.”
3.      Karina: “Do you like ice-cream?”
4.      Kate: “Don’t close the door, please.”
5.      Nick: “Do your homework, please.”
6.      Dasha: “Go to bed, please.”
7.      Masha: “Can you wash the dishes?”
8.      Ann: “Why are you crying?”
9.      Kate: “Karina, give me this pen, please.”
10.  Karina: “When will you go to the zoo?”
11.  Masha: “Why are you sad on your birthday?”
12.  Tom: “Were you at school yesterday?”
13.  Dasha: “Help your granny to grow tomatoes, please.”
14.  Masha: “Mother, I am at home.”
15.  Masha: “Don’t swim in the lake.”

16.  Dasha: “Don’t feed my cat.”

четверг, 17 сентября 2015 г.

Either … or …

Either … or …
либо … , либо … (или …, или …)
Either Tim or Tom cooks breakfast.
Либо Тим, либо Том готовит завтрак.
Either Kate or her parents cook breakfast.
Либо Кейт, либо ее родители готовят завтрак  каждый день.

четверг, 10 сентября 2015 г.

Reported Speech: Questions

 Вопросы в косвенной речи

Главное предложение в настоящем времени

1.      He asks/ wonders/ wants to know / is interested
2.      союз – if / вопросит. слово.
3.      поменять местоимения
4.      ставим подлежащее подчиненного предложения (поменять порядок слов)
5.      ставим глагол, соответствующий подлежащему

Kate asks, ‘Where is my pencil?”
Kate wonders where her pencil is.

среда, 9 сентября 2015 г.

The Queen and Parliament

Продолжительность высказывания - 2,5 мин.
My name is … . I would like to tell you about the way of ruling Great Britain, about its Queen and Parliament.

1.      The Queen and the royal family. (показать на картинке. + Информация про наследников престола: принц Чарльз, его дети и внуки)
2.      The British Empire and the Commonwealth. (показать на карте мира)
3.      The British parliament:
The House of Lords and the House of Commons
What they do.
Are the members of Parliament elected or selected? Which way?

Do we have a queen in our country?

Do we have Parliament?

четверг, 3 сентября 2015 г.

Reported Speech - Hometask

Read what children say and then write sentences to report their speech.

  1. Nick: “My granny can swim very well.”
  2. Mike: “I will travel to France.”
  3. Polly: “Buy me a nice doll, please.”
  4. Emma: “Don’t sing songs so loudly, please!”
  5. Mark: “I have caught a big fish!”
  6. Dolly: “I run 3 kilometres every day.”
  7. Pat: “I am dancing now.”
  8. Paul: “Help me, please!”
  9. Dick and Molly: “Don’t run so quickly!”
  10. Sally: “I don’t do my morning exercises.
  11. Clara and Peter: "We didn't go to our dacha last summer."
  12. Natalie and Fred: "Don't call us late at night."

Reported Speech

Косвенная речь
Главное предложение в настоящем времени: He says

Побудительные предложения

1. He/She asks smb/ tells smb
2. to + V
3. поменять местоимения

1. He/She asks smb/ tells smb / says (to smb)
2. not + to + V
3. поменять местоимения

Повествовательные предложения
1. He/She says (that)
2. поменять местоимения
3. проспрягать глагол согласно местоимению

пятница, 8 мая 2015 г.

A short summary of a story

1.      I have read the text [название].
2.      The text is about (children, animals, traditions of different countries, adventures, a famous person, people’s life, cities, travelling)
3.      This is a fairy tale / a non-fiction story.
4.      The action takes place (Where? When?)
5.      The main heroes are …. . (The main hero is … .)
6. some words about the beginning of the text
7. some words about the middle of the text
8. some words about the end of the text
9.      I liked this text because I’m interested in (animals, adventures, nature, science, sports, history, people’s life, life in the past, …. )

среда, 6 мая 2015 г.

the UK - Plan

The UK
1.      Introduction
2.      the UK and Great Britain
3.      How many people live there.
4.      Islands
5.      Borders (Границы: морские и сухопутные) – нельзя сокращать
6.      Landscape (ландшафт)
7.      Countries
         a)      the name
         b)      the capital and the main cities
         c)      people, their nationalities and languages
8.      Flags

9.      Conclusion